Thursday, July 24, 2014

Monumental Selfies

Shalom in the home! First post here....feeling good about it.  Today's report will be entitled "Anna Takes Shameless Pictures of Herself with Unresponsive National Monuments".  We all know that selfies are taking over the world, with more people taking pictures of themselves and whatever is next to/behind them (strangers doing weird things, friends doing weird things, farm animals doing weird things-whatever floats one's proverbial boat) than ever before.  While I was abroad in the summer/fall of 2013, I decided to take advantage of this widespread photography trend and creatively combine it with my European surroundings.  In the first photo posted above, you will see me (trying to be cool) taking a selfie with La Tour Eiffel (actually being cool).  The second snap is yours truly with my friend Ben who is Big.  Look how excited we both are!  The final photo here was taken a just a few weeks ago.  I have been interning this summer in New York City, and it only seemed right to take a selfie with the Empire State Building whilst I've been residing in the Empire State (cue Jay Z and Alicia Keys).  Hopefully future travels will bring me close to new and exciting monuments which will give me the opportunity to further my portfolio.  Please feel free to share any and all thoughts/comments/concerns/compliments.  And if you have any super cool monumental selfie moments, I'd love to see.  Or if you think I'm pulling a Gretchen Wieners here and this trend will never catch on, then just tell me to stop trying to make fetch happen. Peace.

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